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Candi Presents

banner with chatter teeth

It's art and science! Politics and pop culture!

A chat show filled with super opinions and [gasp] real facts!


Join Candi and Noodle as they try to make sense of the world, muse on the human condition, and spread a little love. 


Warning: so much adult language.

Featured this Season

Politcal Minute

Whatchya Readin', Noodle?




Energy dispersal

The Problematic Series

Chacharone is hosted by:

Chacharone bio pic Candi


writer, editor, producer

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Owner of Candi Presents,  bringing content of all kinds to the universe. She also co-hosted Mulder, it's us: An X-Files Podcast, edits books, and is a writer of varied things.

Chacharone bio pic Noodle


editor, producer

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Owner and head editor of Be Write, brand new parent

@booksandmybaby, and overall plan maker. The biggest bookworm you know with a lot of emphatic opinions.

Chacharone S7 promo.JPG

Seasons 1 - 6 Available on Podbean and Apple Podcasts!

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